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Connecting to Keithley 2604B by Keithley in Python

Instrument Card

The 2604B SourceMeter SMU instrument is a new dual channel SMU instrument with best-in-class value and performance. Its tightly integrated four-quadrant design allows it to simultaneously source and measure both voltage and current to boost productivity in R&D and bench-top applications. The Model 2604B is equipped with our high speed TSP technology, which is over 190% faster than traditional PC-to-instrument communication techniques. The Model 2604B is designed for bench-top applications and, therefore, does not have the high-end, system-level automation features of the Model 2602B SourceMeter SMU Instrument that includes digital I/O, TSP-Link technology, and contact check function. The wide range of 3A DC, 10A pulse, 40V output makes the Model 2604B suitable for testing a wide range of higher current devices, materials, components, and sub-assemblies.

Keithley 2604B

Device Specification: here

Manufacturer card: KEITHLEY


Keithley Instruments is a measurement and instrument company headquartered in Solon, Ohio, that develops, manufactures, markets, and sells data acquisition products, as well as complete systems for high-volume production and assembly testing.

  • Headquarters: Cleveland, Ohio, United States
  • Yearly Revenue (millions, USD): 110.6
  • Vendor Website: here

Demo: Measure a solar panel IV curve with a Keithley 2400

Connect to the Keithley 2604B in Python

Read our guide for turning Python scripts into Flojoy nodes.